BB Gaming

Deliverables and Documents

Documents and artifacts now located here at SourceForge.

Project Spec, Rev A

Project Log updated 7/24/2006.

  1. Team Structure
  2. Requirements Questionaire - 6/1/2006
  3. Requirements Answers from Customer - 6/1/2006
  4. Informal Scenarios - 6/4/2006
  5. Refined Scenarios and Requirements Spec v1_1 - 6/20/2006
  6. Refined Scenarios and Requirements Spec v1_2 - 7/9/2006
  7. Refined Scenarios and Requirements Spec v1_3 - 7/29/2006
  8. User Test Suite w/Requirements Trace - 7/11/2006
  9. Design / Architecture - 7/2/2006
  10. Final Report - 7/31/2006

Design Models

Web-viewable Models:

Initial diagram set (from model)

  1. State model of game
  2. Basic Use Cases
  3. Initial Deployment Model


Experimental JUnit tests; these are not in the source tree at SourceForge. Example code:

  1. User Acceptance Test 1 7/29/2006


Programming to be done in Java with standard Eclipse tools.

Modeling done in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect UML tool. Free download runs for 30 days.

Project Team

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